På bakgrunn av utviklingsarbeidet på Skeie skole i 2009 og 2010 sendte jeg en søknad om å få være en av seminarholderne på verdenskongressen for skoleledere i Toronto. Nå har jeg fått melding om at den er antatt. Spennende og utfordrende å holde et 75 minutters seminar for kolleger fra hele verden. Her er søknaden.
Session Title: From a lower to a higher performing school - how?
Session Description:International surveys as PISA (Program for International Program Assessment) and TALIS (Teaching And Learning International Survey) shows that Norwegian Education just performs at an average level. This generates national and local efforts to improve schools. From my point of view most efforts are based on doing more of what doesn't work - by using more tests, league tables and competition. The last four months of 2010 I got the opportunity to figure out other ways to improve the teachers teaching and the students learning - ways that work.
Main Strand: Developing the Organization
Secondary Strand: Securing Accountability
Session Outline:My idea is to participate in the classroom, monitoring the teaching and the learning, and follow-up groups of teachers regularly. Our common starting point is the goals in the curriculum, the main points in the Norwegian regulation of Assessment for learning, and our practice sharpened through the three Skeie skole (the name of the school) values: 1. Being pedagogical and methodological brave 2. Act independently within the collective goals and frameworks, and 3. Strong focus on learning in the classroom
Session Outcomes:Increase the significance of common pedagogical and methodological efforts while improving schools, as an alternative to more national tests, standards and league tables (that don't work).
Session Strategies:Lecture, questions and comments from the audience. Power point presentation
Session Resources:Computer and projector
Web/Program Summary:My work deals with Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley's concept of sustainable education beyond standardizations and tests. It also deals with a major New Zealand research - "School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying What Works and Why". It says: “Promoting and participating in teacher learning and development have a significant impact to students learning.” I will present the steps we made to implement some of the main ideas in these works and share some of our experiences.
Target Audience: Practicing School Leader
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